lip liner

The Latest In Lip Enhancers

Here are some ideas of different lip shapes and pouts:) 

Here are some ideas of different lip shapes and pouts:) 

So this is a subject I've been wanting to talk about for some time now. I've noticed that permanent cosmetics and other cosmetic procedures have become more the norm lately. Well with celebs like Kylie Jenner who debuts fuller lips what seems like every week, what else do you expect. That being said I wanted to share with you a new innovation to one of the most popular names in lip enhancers, Juvederm. They have just been approved for their formula called Volbella XC, for lip augmentation and correction of perioral rhytides (aka lines around the mouth.) The filler is created with hyaluronic acid, which has been called the "fountain of youth." It acts as a cushion and lubricant to fill in those lines and gives subtle volume to the lips. Studies show that Juvederm Volbella XC can soften the look of rhytides around the mouth and improve lip fullness through one year. Pretty impressive stuff. Makes you think twice about some lip injections doesn't it? 




A Look Into Permanent Makeup

As all of you know, I love and am a huge advocate on expanding my education and furthering my skills in the beauty industry, which is solely built on the fact that I love to make others feel beautiful, inside and out. So without further revue I'd like to announce that I am officially certified in permanent cosmetics! I will be finishing my apprenticeship this week. Then off to take my test to get licensed my the American Association of Micropigmentation. This has been a long time goal of mine and I'm so glad I now get to offer this to wonderful clients. With permanent cosmetics your daily makeup routine can be even more effortless. You can be out the door in literally under 5 minutes. Never worry about getting that fine line of eyeliner to be just right only for it to smudge halfway through the day. Want a little more color on your pout but hate the feeling of anything on your lips? Permanent cosmetics can help that. I can add a little color, even enhance your natural lip line, if you so desire; the possibilities are endless. Maybe your hand shakes and it's just not possible anymore, or you had a sickness that claused you to loose all your hair, allergies,and sensitivities never help! Well look no further. I have been trained by the leading school the Geru herself at Beau Institute. Now, keep on the lookout for my new permanent cosmetics location, which will be separate from my new business you've all heard about. This summer's going to be fun (:


Love and Light,


These were all different eyebrows on different woman. They barely had hair. Some were done with a shading technique, then came back for hairlike strokes after words. 

These were all different eyebrows on different woman. They barely had hair. Some were done with a shading technique, then came back for hairlike strokes after words. 

This is still Healing:) but a huge part to remember, Heal, Peel, and fade. My mom literally just wears gloss. Your color then disappears and comes back. Faded though.  

This is still Healing:) but a huge part to remember, Heal, Peel, and fade. My mom literally just wears gloss. Your color then disappears and comes back. Faded though.  

Here we  dropped her lower lip line to give her a more pout look:) also defined her lips more. Created more shape:)  

Here we  dropped her lower lip line to give her a more pout look:) also defined her lips more. Created more shape:)  

Cat eye on this lovely woman with a light beige line above

Cat eye on this lovely woman with a light beige line above
