inner beauty

Holidaze and Your Health: Your Guide to Staying Sane this Season

Can you believe it? Another year coming to an end, and soon enough we will be going into 2017! So EXCITING! While we hustle towards the finish line and tackle the parties, gifting, and stress, let's first remember to stay on track and finish out 2016 the right way. 

With all the holiday cheer, work parties, holiday gatherings, shopping, celebrating, eating, drinking, and more eating and drinking, lets face it: most of us barely have enough time for ourselves. We are dragging along with too many cookies, not enough sleep or exercise, definitely too much coffee and not enough H20. All this isn't meant to make you feel bad, but rather to act as a reminder to stay mindful of some simple things you can do to keep yourself healthy. 

Image via Pinterest.

Image via Pinterest.

So here are some quick and little tips and to help you stay healthy during this holiday season.

  1. Gargling with salt gets rid of bacteria & is great to do day and night to keep those germ critters away.
  2. Vitamin C builds collagen & is full of antioxidants, which helps with holiday stress! Avoid looking like the Grinch and add this to your routine.
  3.  Make sure you hydrate.  Water with lemon makes your body more alkaline. Fresh lemons have active enzymes for 30 minutes, so drink up!! Not to mention all the anti-aging benefits. They hydrate your skin, minimize wrinkles, and keep your skin glowing!! Plus, Probiotics and Antioxidants are absolute essentials for your bod!
  4. Make a fist. Now look at your fist. That's the size of your stomach!  Remember to be mindful of your servings! Pro tip: try using smaller plates as a mind trick. 
  5. 7-8 hours of sleep a night is wonderful & necessary for your health. Try using a sleep mask! I love mine & can't sleep without it. Don't want anything on your face? Try meditation music. 
  6. Last but not least: exercise 20-30 min a day just to get moving and get that blood flowing. When you do, NEVER forget to stretch! Hold that stretch for a count of 8 - it makes a huge difference.  

With all that said, remember to enjoy the holidays while keeping in mind what you can do to offset the inevitable fatigue. I hope this helps you this season. Happy Holidays to you from Embellish U!

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