Happy Labor Day!

I hope you all are having a safe and Happy Holiday Weekend. I have not blogged in awhile. There are just so many hours in the day and to try to manage and get it all in. While trying to stay spiritually grounded all at the same time. 

A typical day for me is waking up around 5:30-6am. Thanking God for all my blessings, and talking to my angels. (Sometimes it doesn't happen that way.) I will grab my phone check my emails, client calls, social media, any open orders see if they were sent, can't forget my daily horoscope, I Ching, and spend some time with my boyfriend and his dog Bentley.  

Off to the kitchen to make a vegan vegetable based protein shake, then off to walk a few miles while the weather is still nice. Have this new Fitbit gadget. Helps to keep me mindful of how many steps I am taking thru the day. I really love this little gadget. I think everyone should have one!! 

Then back to my eyelash studio to shower and make some egg whites, and get ready for my day. 

I spend a lot of time cleaning, sanitizing, and making the energy in my place very clear and tranquil. I love using young living essential oils!! They are a must in my life. I use them on me, in my car, diffuse them in the air...in fact they go everywhere with me. Depends what I am working or manifesting at the time. I make aromatherapy hot towels, always try to keep fresh flowers around my space, and always do a clearing session with palo santo. Cleansing any negative energy only letting in love and light in my space. I will usually practice some reiki, a few more prayers, and talking with my angels and a quick meditation with crystals. All before my first guest comes. This is all usually before 10am...then it's non stop action and work! When it's time to end the night, gotta throw some laundry in, clean all my stations, dust, sanitize and try to prepare the best I can so I can do it all over again the next day.... Then close up the studio and home to my boyfriend and puppy for some dinner and a little R&R. 

This has been a great summer and I am so excited for fall. EmbellishU has so many new and exciting treatments to offer.  Lots of new classes to take. I also am finishing up with my amazing makeup station. I will always be adding it never stops but it's fun.   

Anyone that knew me 2+ years ago knows how hard it was for me. Life in general is hard. But as time goes on I truly believe if you put passion, hard work, dedication and love out there good will come. It takes time. But it's amazing to watch your business grow and blossom. It also feels good go grow and blossom with my business as well. 

Hope you enjoyed this read! Looking forward to writing more!!!  

Lots of love and light!  
